Yishensu - A Vegetarian Connoisseur, Petaling Jaya
The Curve, Mutiara Damansara, 47800 Petaling Jaya
Opening hours today for Yishensu - A Vegetarian Connoisseur
open now, until 21:45
- You should double check these opening hours on their homepage YISHENSU.COM or on their FACEBOOK PAGE
Weekly opening hours:
Monday: 11:30-21:45
Tuesday: 11:30-21:45
Wednesday: 11:30-21:45
Thursday (TODAY): 11:30-21:45
Friday: 11:30-22:15
Saturday: 11:30-22:15
Business information and opening hours last updated 11 October 2024.
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”The Curve Damansara : 012 737 6339 012 507 3013 (11:30am-9pm) Ipoh Perak : 011 3973 1480 (11am-2:30pm 6pm-9pm)Get directions: Yishensu - A Vegetarian Connoisseur
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